Why Humorous Speakers Work

by | Apr 21, 2016 | Business

Everyone knows that laughter is the best medicine, but did you also know that it’s one of the best motivators? Many businesses have begun bringing speakers in to give talks to their staff, clients, or colleagues on a number of different topics – from how to increase sales, to managing office politics, to the best ways to network. Unfortunately, when companies look for speakers, many forget that humor is one of the best ways to get your message across without boring your crowd. Most attendees find themselves bored with hearing the same material over and over again and crave something new to capture their attention. Hiring humorous speakers is the perfect way to help that talk, and consequently your business for hosting, stand out among the rest. Here are some reasons why hiring humorous speakers is key to setting your talk apart from the rest.

Laughter Relieves Stress

Experts all agree that one of the best ways to help manage stress is to find something to laugh about. It could be something as small as the line up for coffee in the mornings, or something completely off topic like mocking the latest sporting blunder, but whatever it is, laughter is a fantastic way to alleviate stress. Humor also provides a brief reprise from the thoughts that are causing your staff, clients or colleagues to feel so stressed, which can in turn help them manage those stressors. Being allowed a moment to step outside those thoughts can often provide a clear solution to the problem, or at least help give a different perspective.

Humor Brings People Together

For teambuilding exercises, there’s nothing quite like laughter to bring a room full of people together. Humor helps level the playing field and bring commonality to management, owners, and employees alike. This, in turn, can bring your entire company closer together, which will increase productivity. Humor also makes people more likable. For example, the employee who seems to constantly be unhappy may just be exceptionally focused on his or her job. By finding some common ground, other employees will begin to find that person more likable, and less unfriendly. Laughter also helps make management more approachable, encouraging employees to seek them out in times of need rather than feel worried about coming to them with work-related issues.

It Improves Overall Morale

Hiring humorous speakers to come to your event will undoubtedly make your event that much more fun to attend, and to talk about after. In addition, it improves the overall tone of the room while the speaker is there, and gives attendees something to reflect back on long after the event has concluded.

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