
Common Reasons to Hire a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Tacoma, WA

Losing a loved one is always traumatic. When the deceased’s death was caused by another person’s negligence, it can add fuel to the fire. Read on to find out about a few of the most common reasons family members hire a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Tacoma Wa to hold the responsible party accountable.

Motor Vehicle Accidents

There are two types of wrongful death suits involving motor vehicles. The first involves accidents caused by manufacturers’ errors. The latter occurs when another driver’s negligence caused the accident and subsequent death.

Medical Malpractice

Doctors and other healthcare providers can’t prolong life indefinitely but they do have a responsibility to take reasonable actions to prevent injury and illness. If a loved one dies as a result of a healthcare professional’s negligence or improper actions, his or her family members may want to hire a Wrongful Death Lawyer in Tacoma Wa to hold the provider accountable. It won’t just help families get the compensation required to move on after the death of a loved one, but will also help to prevent similar issues from impacting the lives of other patients and their families.

Nursing Home Neglect or Abuse

Unfortunately, nursing home neglect and abuse are even more common than medical malpractice in today’s society. If an employee’s actions or lack thereof lead to the death of a loved one, he or she should be held accountable. Filing a wrongful death suit is the best way to ensure accountability.

Workplace Accidents

Employers have a responsibility to their workers to provide a safe workplace. If an employer provides workers with faulty equipment, inadequate training, or an unsafe work environment, he or she may be held liable if these conditions directly contribute to a worker’s death. Wrongful death cases are more common in some industries than others, with construction sites and healthcare facilities topping the list of unsafe work environments.

The Bottom Line

Filing a wrongful death suit won’t bring back families’ loved ones, but it can provide the closure required to move on with their lives. Anyone who wants to file a wrongful death suit should seek an attorney who has successfully tried similar cases. An attorney can collect relevant information and come up with a courtroom strategy that will maximize his or her client’s chances of success.


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