Benefits Of Giving Your Cat Wet Food

by | Apr 6, 2022 | Pet Supply Store

When shopping for cat food, it’s tempting to get a big bag of dry cat food, especially since it’s a lot more economical than getting wet cat food. However, wet food offers moisture vital for your feline’s health. Cat’s today have a low thirst drive, and even when they are thirsty, they won’t gorge themselves on water. Additionally, they cant get the moisture they need from dry food. Here are more reasons to give your feline some wet cat food.

It’s a great source of hydration

The main reason why cats need wet food is hydration. Even though cats come from the desert and their bodies are adept at concentrating urine due to low water availability, they no longer live in dry areas, so there’s no need to stress their kidneys so much.

Most cats today are dehydrated and are at risk of developing bladder inflammation, urinary obstructions, and other illnesses. Cats tend to drink water when they need it, but by taking wet cat food, you can increase their moisture intake. Try adding some warm water to make wet food more palatable and increase hydration.

It helps flush out toxins

Wet food is full of fluids, and the water helps flush out toxins from your feline’s system. As such, the high concentration of minerals in their systems doesn’t gather up into stone and cause inflammation or obstruct their urinary tracts. The more water that passes through their systems, the more these minerals and toxins are flushed out, decreasing anything that might cause urinary problems.

It helps ease the transition to dry foods

Kittens form a preference and association to the texture of their food; as such, they can get addicted to a certain type of food. It can be hard to transition if you have a cat that has never tried canned or dry cat food. However, introducing wet cat food first makes it easier to transition to dry food. Rather than using wet cat food like Sheba as a treat, it should be a routine part of your cat’s diet.

It helps your cat maintain the right weight

Aside from offering proper hydration, wet food helps your feline maintain the right weight. Dry food is very concentrated; 100 g gives you the same amount of energy 400g of wet food would. As such, feeding your cat wet food ensures they get satisfied with lower energy intake, thus easily maintaining a healthy weight. Obesity is a problem for a lot of cats and can lead to your feline getting diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and other illnesses that reduce tier quality of life. Therefore you need to be very careful not to overfeed your feline

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